Franklin Teen Center

Quote of the Moment...

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is not the darkness that frightens us, but the light."

-Nelson Mandela

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Community Trip to Mill City Museum

J.P. was one of the students from the library and he went to the Mill City Museum. We took this picture in the train and it was fun.

When we were in the elevator some people were scared because it was too tall. Nur and Vianna thought being up that high didn't feel good. The rest of us were busy looking out the window and seeing the view!

When we were up on the 7th floor the Mississippi River looked beautiful! We learned that the waterfall is smooth and it makes wheels turn and push the flour up to the 7th floor.

The Mill City Museum is fun and you will learn something about Mr. Washburn (think of Washburn high school! It was named after Mr. Washburn!) so you should visit the museum too.

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