Franklin Teen Center

Quote of the Moment...

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is not the darkness that frightens us, but the light."

-Nelson Mandela

Friday, June 11, 2010

First Community Trip of the Summer!

(Brianna looking innocent as always...)

(Bri and Vianna hanging out by the bikes)

(Lily, Killian and Khalid on a bike)
(Creepy horror movie guy standing in front of waterfall)

The Franklin Teen Center went to the minnehaha falls today & explored & rode bikes a little. I thought it was pretty fun(more fun than I thought it would be). Khalid said "I'm hungry, that's all". Obviously he worked up quite an appetite. Killian said "It was pretty fun". & I said "WOOOOOOOOOOOH! that was fun!"

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