Franklin Teen Center

Quote of the Moment...

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is not the darkness that frightens us, but the light."

-Nelson Mandela

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Chicago Avenue Project

Last night we watched a play that kids did themselves. And there was a real actor with each kid, too. We took the city bus to the Pillsbury House Theater to see their program where local kids work with professional actors, directors, and playwrites to learn to act and produce a show in about three months. Here is a video about the project from the theater's website.

There were many short plays all put together, the one that Malik likes the most was the very last one. What he liked about it was that the kid was really really funny. Hillarious.

Khalid liked another one that featured a kid with glasses who was probably about 11 years old and he was energetic, active, he was a hero. He was honest and brave because he saved the museum from a bad guy and he was humorous the whole time.

The play Chala really liked was the first one, about a pair of soldiers fighting against a volcano. He liked it because it was funny.

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